A Spring in My Step

     I can’t believe how much better my foot feels without the big boot on it. Activity as tolerated was the word of the day yesterday and it definitely was a neuroma. So, it’s gone and I am taking things slowly but with a smile on my face. I didn’t realize how much it hurt before surgery-all gone now!

     So what have I been doing the past week. I read three books. I couldn’t put down Jodi Piccoult’s new book and read it in 48 hours. I knit-a bit rusty I was-but finished a hat and am working on the mittens. I also am stitching on my new jeans piece. Again, slow but steady.  Binding this piece in the background tonight. It is partially pieced and partially fused. A nice size for one of my walls and will be hung tonight. I watched these  DVDs and picked up a few tips.

    Today, I have a confession. I have been sewing for a long time. I never had entered or attempted to enter a show. And this spring, I got up enough courage to do it. One of my pieces was accepted to a small show-80 pieces- in May-a quilt show. I was surprised because it isn’t like anything I have seen in the show before. But, I was happy!
     Also, I  have a commission. Might be a challenge-working with colors I wouldn’t have chosen-but that is what I am finding to be a commission. Two good things in one week. You can’t beat that.

    And now, I must go and work on these motifs for my class at the Barn in May.

 When I couldn’t sew, I made little paper mock ups. Now to translate them into fabric and sew them together. Two more motifs and then I will be done with the homework for that class. And then , the work will really begin…I can’t wait to go back and now two gals from Grand Rapids might go too.

Happy sewing, my friends.

One thought on “A Spring in My Step

  1. Gail Baar

    Glad to hear you are doing well! Congrats on the show-what is it? It is nice to hear such good news now that you are able to get back to your studio.


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