I thought I would have my piecing done today for my Artprize piece but decided to re-make a few of the blocks. Took longer than I thought. I am almost there and could have left them. But then I would always be frustrated that it was just off a little bit. I dyed about 40 yards of fabric today on a hot 90 degree day, too.
You know what I will be doing tomorrow! I will be washing out fabric and basting with a lot of pins. I think it will be 7×8 when I am done. That is kind of scaring me as I have never quilted anything that large with a machine.I don’t know where to photograph it as it is bigger than my design wall. Any suggestions?
hang it on your garage?
That is huge Colleen! Good for you. And all that fabric dyed too. I love making big quilts, but there sure are issues with them.
If you want the name of the photographer I use in Berkley, let me know. He’s really reasonable with his prices. You’ll have to contact him to see if he has space for a piece that big but he’s very nice and excellent at what he does.