Category Archives: Artprize 2011

More, More and More Artprize

     In case you are wondering, yes, I am absolutely enjoying Artprize. I went down again and more photos for you to enjoy.

Not very many fiber art pieces (or I forgot to take pictures of one or two of them!). This one was very bright and used lots of different materials.

 Just beautiful and there were thousands of pieces of silver leaf floating . Hard to capture.

 This emerging artist came all the way from Australia. He packed his piece in the base for shipment here. He was so excited to be here .

This sculpture looked like it had always been there.

 Grand Rapids skyline. Not great weather here this week but the crowds still came out. And the voters overwhelmed the voting system-computers down all day on the last day of voting….

 A stunning piece of furniture-this sleek bench by Cameron VanDyke. His wife is also an art teacher for our kids high school.

Close up of Taylor Mazer’s piece

And last but not least the piece made from coffee sticks-at Kendall College of Art and Design.

Tomorrow is a day with my friend Nellie Durand and we will soak up more art and find a place to eat lunch and talk about more art. The weekend will be for packing and traveling to the Barn for a workshop next week. Guess it is another month full of art and inspiration. Back to work next week!

Be inspired, my friends!

( I am having an awful time uploading photos-will try a few more tomorrow)

Day 2 at Artprize

Snuck down for a few hours on Thursday afternoon and I just am having way too much fun. More pictures for you.

A Year Through Our Eyes by Todd and Brad Reed

     On a grey and gloomy afternoon, it was pretty obvious that I was drawn to the bright colors. For the most part,  I have followed each piece with the artist’s name.

      Quite  a few of the artist were still standing by their pieces, so I enjoyed talking with them and have them share a little about their process or their inspiration. But, what I enjoyed the most was the excitement in their eyes when you shared with them how much you appreciated their art and why.
This event has given them a time to shine and dream again. And how absolutely great is that.

Be inspired and creative, my friends.

And Let The Fun Begin: Artprize 2011

     Wednesday is the first day of Artprize here in Grand Rapids. I was downtown this weekend and I was having so much fun watching a few of the artists install their pieces.  It was almost as busy as it is during the actual show. I am choosing not to show you the pictures I took as not all the artists names had been put up yet.

     I did register to vote at The Hub on Saturday and was rewarded with my free T-shirt and cider and donuts if I wanted them. The Hub is the old UICA building and they are using it very wisely for this event. There was a slide show running of last year’s entries and I walked in and whose is the first picture on the screen : Nellie Durand! That was huge fun to see it again. I look forward to going to the opening on Wednesday night to see the piece she has for this year!

     Enjoy this retrospective on the event. It is really special.

     I have my walking shoes ready and I am getting my chores done so I can see as much art as I can.