Back and better. I just had reached my quota of “mean” for the week I guess. 🙂 I would miss my friends if I quit blogging is the bottom line. Yes, I would. You put up with me in all my wonderful moods….
I have kept sewing the past week.Usually after one of those intensive workshops, I am no good for a few weeks. But the machine has been put to good use , although no spectacular artistic output. I cut apart and re-purposed a piece from my workbasket. That felt good. ( I’ll show you next time before and after. ) I pieced two charity baby quilts from the little charm packs. Seems I always get behind with that around the holidays.
I have taken lots of pictures outdoors. What a great fall we are having.
I am trying to incorporate some of these colors in the next piece. And stay away from my typical blues and greens.
These are really beautiful hand dyed fabrics from a friend of mine here locally. I have been anxious to use them.
Be nice while you are being creative, my friends. Thanks for cheering me on.