Category Archives: IQF

IQF 2010


   I had cancelled my reservations to the International Quilt Show in Chicago on Tuesday last week knowing that it would be foolish to think I could  drive 4 hours and then walk for two days straight after my foot surgery. But two things changed on Thursday-I was offered a ride for the day on Friday and I found out that it was the last year for the show in Chicago. So I jumped on the ride with some friends and got up very early to make it to the show by 9:15.

     After the announcement that it’s the show’s last year in Chicago, the crowds were huge. I am very sorry to tell you that I got to the show and found out that I had left my memory card for my camera at home. I was so sad…..the quilts were amazing as always. I think I saw about 75% of the exhibits and about 40% of the vendor booths. The exhibits I think I liked better than last year-subject matter and I really had fun with so many names I was beginning to recognize. The Rust Tex exhibit was interesting.  I was pleasantly surprised to run in to some old friends too. I ended up buying the cd because I felt so badly I forgot the memory card-ok I couldn’t stop obsessing about my mistake and needed to move on with the day.

     My foot got tired and sore so I signed up for those great classes from Make-It University through Quilting Arts. I got into to two of the  mixed media classes and it was a good time to try different things I probably wouldn’t do on my own-gel medium, setacolors, bling, etc. not because I don’t like those things but just because it’s another investment of art supplies.

     I did find some neat things and actually went with a list.

1.  Threads- I love Aurifil thread for piecing and these spools should last a good long time.

2. Scraps-Love poking around booths to see if they have plastic bags full of scraps-yes I pay for them but they are stuffed full of goodies.

3. Ribbons- Like to pick up special bits of hand-dyed ribbons and a great skein of silk scrap yarn. My little heart was  from one of my classes.

 Lynne-remember the banana yarn man?-this skein of scrap silk came from him.

Isn’t it funny that what I love the most are the scraps I can recycle?

I will truly miss this show so close to home and doubt that I will get much opportunity to go again. The beauty of a quilt -and the ability to admire whatever I aspect I want to-up close-or from far away in the exhibit hall-is something I will forever treasure. And the great times and laughs with friends…

Missed you Lynne!

Happy Sewing, my friends!