Category Archives: motif series


     First of all, thanks for your comments. I do worry and love hearing about everything-from progress, failures, illnesses, pets, vacations and what’s new in your studios. So, know that if you are gone for a time period, I am probably the friend who will send you an e-mail to check up on you!

    Well, back to what I am doing in my place. On Friday, I finished my next “L” motif quilt. All these blocks really were pretty boring to do but I did it . I went to my stash of Kona cotton solids-not much left but I want to use it up. So, I needed to use only what I had. No buying anything new in January.

     And then, I wanted to use a little less bold of color than I had been using. I didn’t want to make it look like a pink and blue baby quilt either. So a small challenge to myself.  The further I got into it, the more I enjoyed how a block was looking on the design wall. And then it miraculously all fit together.( I hate the math and just kind of estimated how big to cut it. I did cut freehand for the pieces but squared up the blocks.) And there she is….

Listen #3

     Big. Lots of quilting to be done. But the absolute best-over the top exciting thing is -it’s sold.  Will be SOLD – to my friend -an architect to hang in his office. Friends we went out with last night who just wanted to see what I was up to. He walked in and asked who I was making it for. Never expected that. More on the story tomorrow…I must start layering and basting.

     My friend asked me many questions I didn’t have good answers to. Artistic answers. I need to think about them, too. And do the work.

     Be creative, my friends! You never know where it might lead to.

Just Finish It: #3

      It was the start of a series. I have a whole journal full of sketches surrounding this little simple ‘L” block. Many ideas -of where to go next. I started on it this summer and the top was done. When I started quilting it , the machine started chewing it up and I kept fighting with the machine. Which led to a new machine. I ripped out bad stitching for about 10 hours and then, left it in a heap in my workbasket. I was left with a stretched out  quilt top that I really didn’t want to finish.
     But if I wanted to keep a record of the first in the series, it had to be finished.

I needed to let go of  perfect and finish it.

And it’s done.  It will be for a room in my home.

                                                                  L Series: #1

     It can still be beautiful even though it’s not perfect.

     Be creative, my friends.

So What’s Next?

     My oldest daughter left this weekend for college. The other two kids start school after Labor Day. As we have spent time shopping for school supplies, I became increasingly and foolishly jealous of my kids purchases. New pens, new pencils, new crayons and a new year at school. But then, I realized it wasn’t necessarily the new loot but the fresh start I was jealous of . They begin a new year as if the previous year wasn’t there and they get to start all over again. Learn new things, try new things and do the work.

      I am a wannabee art quilter right now- so why couldn’t I do the same thing? A fresh start but not just jumping from one thing to another. I am doing the learning new things and the trying new things but I have no specific plan or purpose. So to give myself some goals for the rest of the year, I need a little more structure.

1. I am going to work in a series for 6 pieces at least 3×3. I will work in a simple motif or block that I started working on in Vermont. Series sounds- scary -but more serious.  I think I need to learn to manipulate this little block until I have it how I want it. It’s just a little “L” so how scary can that be? Why that size? It’s just big enough I can feel I am working on my machine quilting. Not big enough to be overwhelmed.

2. Then I am also going to work smaller. 8×10 is the next size I have chosen. After being introduced to the work of Jeanne Williamson by Paula, I have been really inspired.

 I picked Jeanne’s book, The Uncommon Quilter in the library after Paula mentioned her name and I was amazed after reading it.  She made a quilt a week  this size for seven years-365 to be exact. A perseverant and talented artist. I am going to try to work through some of the techniques she has outlined in this great book. The only thing I bought for it is a new box of crayons. The rest will be found objects or things I already have. I am very excited to do this.

     So there is my fresh start and new box of crayons for the new  school year! Just like that I have returned to school.

Happy Summer, my friends-for a few more weeks!