I need to tell you a story-it’s long but dear to my heart and fits with my Vermont home. When we go to VT, we fly into Burlington and hire a taxi service to drive us to our home. About 4 years ago, we met the nicest guy tod who was the driver we always requested. Really nice guy who always had interesting conversation for us-no matter what time of the night it was or how late our flight was-we always enjoyed him. Two years ago at Christmas, he asked me what I did in VT if I didn’t ski and I said that I did contemporary art quilting. He handed me a card with his girlfriend’s name and two other quilters names. I still have the card. His girlfriend Paula is an artist and knew some textile artists. I took the card and put it away for a few months.

I ran across it later and looked up the names. I was amazed and enthralled at this world of textile artists that I never knew existed. I had taken a Nancy Crow class but didn’t know how it fit with what I did. The more I looked at others works, the more I was amazed. I wanted to be part of this wonderful world -no matter how small or insignificant-and started taking classes to take traditional quilting to a different path. The textile artist path…the beginning of something different.
But as a thank you to my husband -for Christmas- I purchased a piece of Paula’s art-as a thank you to being inspired by three amazing women. The names on a card. It’s a beautuful vase made from a reclaimed gutter off a house in Stowe. I know he loves it- it is a piece of Stowe, a piece of art from a new friend and a piece of thank you from me. I wanted it to be a vase as Paula intended it to be. But Marc just wants it to be- on his desk…( I put this pretty vase on the windowsill for the photo)
Paula and tod have moved on to new and exciting things with the Phoenix Commotion. You can still find her on Etsy-her clocks are too cool. I regret not taking the time to meet her earlier. But I love that we can keep in contact via e-amil. Thanks for the inspiration, Paula.
So, what inspired you?
Must run to actually sew again. Happy Sewing, my friends.