Category Archives: thermofax screen printing

Time to Play/ Last Giveaway

     I had exactly one hour before I left to pick the kids up from school. And I had finished my quilt. So, I lined up my supplies: Simply Plaid screen printing paint, sponge brush, fabric, a thermofax screen and a cover cloth for my work surface.

 The first pull-I should have peeked underneath to see what my coverage was like. Sorry about the dark picture. I need to adjust to really dark, cloudy days here in my picture taking. I love this process as it is instant gratification.

     I purchased my thermofax screen from Lynn Krwaczyk in her Etsy store. I have enjoyed her blog for the past few months and thought it was something I would like to try. She has EXCELLENT tutorials (free education!) on Youtube and you can find links, of course, on her blog. Fun and very addictive. It only took about 15  minutes and now must be heat set. When I received my copy of Quilting Arts magazine yesterday, she has a 6 page article on this process. It was an added bonus to my new little surface design playtime.

     Last thank you for reading my blog giveaway:

     One yard of handdyed blue velvet, 2 Simply Plaid screen printing paints, and 4 handdyed embroidery threads.  My question : Do you have a technique that is on your list to try? Leave a comment on this post by next Tuesday and I will have one of my kids randomly choose the winner.( If you win, you might need to check out Lynn’s Etsy shop.)

     Be creative, my friends. For me. I need to focus on Christmas shopping today.