Category Archives: Vermont Quilt Festival 2011

The Vermont Quilt Festival

     First, thanks for your nice comments on the last post. It was a surprise indeed and I always appreciate your encouragement.

     A peek at some of the quilts there this year:

Candy Apple by Colleen Cote

 Art Quilt Exhibit

Judith Reilly

Karen Kamentsky

Noah Patullo-the 14 year old artist

Marilyn Gillis
Pamela Druhen (the front of this piece)

Pamela Druhen( the back of the same piece)
And unfortunately, I mixed up the last few artists credits and pictures so best not post  incorrectly.  Nice to see such a wide variety at this show. Inspiration indeed. 

Fun to see and always a pleasure to attend. Got me back into my sewing groove again. 

I missed you Lynn-maybe next year. 
Be creative, my friends.