Opening Night at Artprize

     It was a beautiful fall night. The crowds were larger than last year as the buzz is spreading about what a great event Artprize is. I even convinced my husband and son to go and they were disappointed when the night was over. Enjoy a few peeks at a great first night.

    The lovely Nellie Durand with her piece “Imelda’s Dream II.  I am always amazed at how talented Nellie is and her workmanship flawless. A pretty piece with very detailed shoes. It was wonderful to see her and her husband Lee . The location of her piece will allow many people to view it and vote for her. Go Nellie!

“Grand Rapids Inside and Out” By Alex Myrhodorsky
I missed taking a picture of the inside of the piece. Alex is the husband of one of my fiber arts friends, Gail Myhorodorsky. They are both very talented. Alex explained how these panoramic views took 600 shots to accomplish this piece.  The inside shots on this piece are just as fascinating as the outside views -another definite thumbs up view!

A moving photography exhibit by Ryan Reed Spencer
“Crucifixion” by Mia Tavonatti

This was a 9’x13′ stained glass mosaic. The intricacy of the piecing was stunning.

“The Game” by TAFA

The DeVos Exhibition Hall

     I only made  to two of the buildings and a few along the street as we walked.  I ventured down yesterday afternoon for about 2 hours. More photos coming. I am taking a break from making and just enjoying being inspired.

     I know my  pleasure comes from the making of my art, but many this week are taking pleasure in viewing  the of arts. It isn’t enjoyed this way unless it is out there, is it?  Congrats to all who have entered and good luck on the voting process.

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