Category Archives: barns

Barns and Quilts

     I had so much fun yesterday and the day flew by. The kids and my husband went skiing and I stayed behind. Such a hardship it is having the whole day to sew! I had brought along a few new things. In January, I ordered  25$ of fabric from Frieda Anderson and then got a package of  48 5 inch squares for free. One of the fabrics was a beautiful one yard piece of hand dyed fabric which was multi colored. And  the 5 inch squares were bright.
     I wanted just to do a simple and bright quilt. I pieced for a long time and then the sun called me outside. I took pictures of the barns on my walk. My favorites from yesterday’s walk:

     A local horse farm. Love the sunshine and blue skies.

Mrs. Smith’s barn-my 87 year old neighbor who still mowes her own yard.
Typical Vermont barn -weathered
You have been very patient waiting for a quilt. After my walk, I just kept sewing. And this is my first project from this batch of fabric.
Unquilted top-Vermont Sunshine-20×39
A typical little ribbon quilt, isn’t it? A very happy little guy for a day in February. I needed just carefree and easy for the first day of vacation.
Ok-now dial up internet service has made me crazy uploading pictures. I must go to the library to do this. It takes about five minutes per picture! And weird things happen like pictures are getting all grainy.
Happy Sewing, my friends!