Category Archives: hand sewing

Lost and Found

   First, I should respond to some of my comments. Thanks-it is so generous of you to give your advice so kindly and freely. After I got used to it,  I found the process of  tying in the ends by hand relaxing and it did look nice so I will continue. My machine does tie off but it ends up a jumbled mess and not neatly-might be a bit of repair needed.
   Secondly, my piece from yesterday  in my hands is one that is mine and not the commission. I wasn’t very clear. And my not liking a commission, I thought about it and tried to clarify what was bothering me about the process. It wasn’t the commission I didn’t necessary like -but the colors were difficult for me to work with.  If it was totally up to me and I needed to use these colors, I would add another one in. I am learning  something through this process! I guess now, I must kindly relay the option of an additional color to the client and it will be up to them, won’t it? Learning, learning…. Thanks again.

On to today’s post-

 It began as a simple search for something. Might of been a lame attempt at cleaning…I don’t even remember what I was looking for but I got caught up into some of my bins at my work table. I found some delightful old projects that I had just forgotten about. Look a these beautiful old pieces I have re-discovered.

A find from my days in Ohio:

Still interesting to me:

A whole village as my husband said when he came up to tell me it was really late:

And another bag of silk scraps:

And a lot of other things which I know I will never use and have packaged them up for a local group that really needs supplies. Seemed like a fitting thing to do for Earth Day.

Must go-I am feeding 20 soccer girls at my house in about an hour.

Happy Sewing, my friends!