Category Archives: Recycled jeans quilt

The Beast is Done

     We woke up to a snow day from school today. Thank goodness. It’s just nice to get caught up and have no schedules to tend to.

     Well, I finally have my first finish of 2010. The recycled jean quilt is dones-completely done-to the trimming of the loose threads and placing of the label. Other than delivering it , there is nothing more to do to it. I never thought you could be traumatized by a quilt but it happened. It took a month longer than I thought it would-ok maybe three weeks longer. It’s done and I am singing and dancing a little happy dance. And you can too because the best thing is-you don’t have to hear me complain about finishing it ever again. I am ok with it and what’s important is that my son likes it and it’s for his class. So in the end -That’s all that matters!

It’s so big I can’t fit it all in. Walk With Me-60×90.

The best news of this process is my new machine and I have bonded. She earned her keep and survived working on this heavy denim quilt. So Clare-you deserve the honor of a picture here-

I did appreciate the longer arm. The dual feed system helped pull the bulk through and rode over all the seams. I’ll need to eventually get a different table and I think I will go with the Sew Ezi table . Yet to be determined but I don’t want to spend lots either.

A big sigh of relief.

Happy Sewing, my friends. I will try to bring my laptop with me-but we have dial up in VT so…I’ll hope for the best.

New Paths

     At the end of my summer and dyeing days outside, I had two pieces of fabric left and some pretty diluted dyes. I thought I would try folding, clamping and dumping the mess into a bucket of dye to see what happened. Now, I have learned since that it is called resist dyeing. I really wanted circles…my quilts are so linear but didn’t have the right equipment. This is what I ended up with:

     It ended up being a cool piece of fabric and I will try it again this summer with a higher concentration. I have found some cool pieces of plexiglass-circles- squares-fun stuff- to be ordered through Etsy that I will put under the clamps. The person who explains this well and uses this technique is  Malka Dubrawsky and it’s called itajame. The resource she uses for the plexiglass is on her blog. She is another talented artist and has a new book out that looks interesting.

     Plugging along on those feet-blanket stitching them is taking awhile-8 done today. The first eight…

   Nice to see the sun. Happy sewing, my friends.