New Paths

     At the end of my summer and dyeing days outside, I had two pieces of fabric left and some pretty diluted dyes. I thought I would try folding, clamping and dumping the mess into a bucket of dye to see what happened. Now, I have learned since that it is called resist dyeing. I really wanted circles…my quilts are so linear but didn’t have the right equipment. This is what I ended up with:

     It ended up being a cool piece of fabric and I will try it again this summer with a higher concentration. I have found some cool pieces of plexiglass-circles- squares-fun stuff- to be ordered through Etsy that I will put under the clamps. The person who explains this well and uses this technique is  Malka Dubrawsky and it’s called itajame. The resource she uses for the plexiglass is on her blog. She is another talented artist and has a new book out that looks interesting.

     Plugging along on those feet-blanket stitching them is taking awhile-8 done today. The first eight…

   Nice to see the sun. Happy sewing, my friends.

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