The Countdown Begins

     I have three weeks until I go away for a week to my class. I have quite a few things I would like to accomplish before then. Every time I go away for a week, I make myself crazy trying to get all those unfinished projects done-house things, family things and sewing tasks. I am asking myself whether or not my list is reasonable. If I wasn’t going away, would I be as productive? Maybe it’s just the end of the school year looming overhead as well. Or the mounds of weeds growing higher than the plants….

Anyway, here’s my list. And I am joining one of those challenges again. It just seems to motivate me.
1. Commission quilt-sew together and approved
2.Vermont Sunshine-quilted
3. Loving Lucy-quilted
4. 2 more class motifs done
5.Dye lighter neutrals-20 yards

That seems kind of reasonable. I could add some other things but then I would drive both you and  I crazy.

I did finish one thing this morning. A small quilt that I tried fusing last week. I just don’t think I like the fusible with the type of machine quilting I am capable of right now. It all started popping up or fraying along the pieces as the machine went over it. But I finished it.

I think I like the flowering tree in the background better than the little quilt!

Happy Sewing, my friends!

2 thoughts on “The Countdown Begins

  1. Anonymous

    When your page loaded and I saw the picture of this quilt, I audibly gasped. I like it! It’s so totally not me and yet I really, really like it! Then I read your last sentence and had to shake my head and laugh. You are too funny!
    🙂 Sharon


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