Kind of. Just getting use to a new machine. The other dud needs to go far, far away. I just got tired of fighting with the constant problems-maybe I just didn’t need so fussy a machine.
I took out some pretty, soft colors and started piecing a little baby quilt. Charity quilt time is soon coming.
Just a simple, industrial machine. One third of the cost of the others and she purrs. Happily.
Felt so good to sew again. But the warm 75 degree weather convinced me I should be outside.
Enjoy the weekend.
Be creative, my friends!
Hope you enjoy your weekend, also.
What type of machine do you have. I’m always on the lookout for something new. I don’t need a machine to do a whole lot, but I need it to do a few things very well.
I bought a Babylock Quilter’s Professional-just like the Juki TL98Q. Bigger space to quilt in, industrial, and just basic stitching-straight stitch and free motion is all I need right now. Has enough feet to do zippers, etc…if you need to do garments. Never have sewed anything more than a costume I am proud to say. It’s solid. I need reliable. Forget the fancy and expensive!