Another Artprize Trip

     My car is sick. Really sick but being fixed. My computer is fixed but they deleted my software for the desktop. I have housework to do before I am swallowed up in our guild show. But the weather was— really nice. So for 2 hours, I played hooky. And went back downtown to Artprize. And I am never disappointed.

Enjoy this amazing felted piece which is two stories high at points.

Close-ups of the work-

And then at the walking out on the other side. It is at our new art museum.

There was a great video of her making this huge piece. I want to look her up and just enjoy the process again!

Totally different form this was a pencil drawing which felt life size.

Both of these pieces obviously got a thumbs up from me when I voted today!

Miss Nellie is in the top 100 right now. If you live here and haven’t voted yet, you have until tomorrow for the first round.

Off to bed as tomorrow will be long.

Be inspired by Artprize, my friends!

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