I am so a creature of habit I didn’t even want to look at how the upload of pictures was changed on Blogger. Such a baby at the end of the week. I am just tired after all my fabric dyeing-labor intensive but I love doing it.
Beautiful colors-stormy grey, mustard, lapis from ProChem. I decided to not goof around with trying to mix my own. I really like the grey.
Two little work of the weeks using Shiva Paintsticks. I have had these paintsticks in a drawer for over two years and why haven’t I tried them before? I enjoyed the leaf rubbing and even tried free motion quilting again on the leaf. That was fun rather than the fighting with free motion quilting I have done in the past.
More Artprize from the other night.
Also, a nice series of artist lectures sponsored by Kendall College of Art and Design.
Different interactive art exhibits.
i like your leaf painting thingie too. and treat to see more photos of the artprize!
I’ll keep posting pics -1700 artists -the number just amazes me.
Colleen I really like your paintstik pieces, I bought mine 2½ years ago, tried them for a second time Sunday, they are gorgeous to change a piece of fabric with, I want to do more with them, if you want to see my piece you can find it here – http://annisart.blogspot.com/2010/09/art-mixed-media-monday.html
Wonderful pictures you show, must be great to see such a large exhibition.